Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Metalfest Recap

I can't believe that we worked for 4 months on Metalfest and its over! But in that 4 months God taught not only the whole group but myself a lot!! When you work at something, want it hard enough, and its in God's time then it will happen, you just have to keep your faith in God and let him control things and not try to do everything on your own. We had so many troubles and trials, doors slammed in our faces, and jumped through so many hoops and it was all worth it! When I heard that first drum beat Saturday night I knew that we did it!! All total we had about 300 people show up for Metalfest. Originally wanted to do this and reach the high school age group but once it was moved to campus then we thought that we would reach more college students but that was the total opposite. We had people of all ages come out for it. There was even one little girl who it was her 8th birthday and all she wanted to do for her birthday was come to metalfest. Wendi and I were talking with her parent's afterwards and they didn't realize that it was a Christian rock concert but they were so happy to know that it was. They said to us "We didn't realize that all Christian music isn't all hymns and praise and worship but that you can rock out to Jesus with some rock music."

The night before Metalfest and the gals of The Bonevalley Project

Just about everyone who helped with Metalfest

Cord of 3

Burning Yesterday

This Fires Embrace

Steve from This Fires Embrace
I love this picture because it looks like his head is in 3 different places at once

The awesome and amazing T Benton

Yes T is playing a saw blade

White Collar Sideshow

God is so awesome and amazing!! We might never know if someone was reached at Metalfest this year but deep in my heart I feel that someone was touched by something that was said at Metalfest. Satan was working and trying to not allow this to happen but God and his army of angels are so much more powerful and amazing that we over came everything for this to happen. All of this couldn't have been possible without God. He is the one who truly planned this. All we did was just follow what he told us to do. I hope in years to come that we can keep this event going and it get bigger and bigger every year.

Thank you to everyone who has been praying for us during this event and time. We could feel your prayers everyday and especially on Saturday!

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