Friday, January 29, 2010

This song is on my heart.....

A thousand times I've failed
Still your mercy remains
And If I stumble again
I'm caught in our grace
Everlasting, Your light will shine
When all else fails
Never ending, your glory goes
Beyond all fame

My heart and my soul
I give You control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

Your will above all else
My purpose remains
The art of losing myself
In bringing You praise
Everlasting, Your light will shine
When all else fails
Never-ending, your glory goes
Beyond all fame

My heart and my soul
I give You control
Consume me from the inside out Lord
Let justice and praise
Become my embrace
To love You from the inside out

Everlasting, Your light will shine
When all else fails
Never-ending, Your glory goes
Beyond all fame
And the cry of my heart
Is to bring You praise
From the inside out
Lord my soul cries out

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Cord of 3 and Seventh Day Slumber

On Sunday Brian and I went to the Cord of 3 and Seventh Day Slumber concert in Owensboro. One of your mutual friends, Brandon plays the bass guitar for them and Brian has never seen him play before and has wanted to.

Back up a little......

Cord of 3 was one of the bands we had play at Metalfest back in October so I had heard them and loved them from the beginning. Brandon and Brian went to high school together and played football together and it wasn't until recently that Brian realized Brandon was in this heavy metal christian band.

Back to the present....

Friday night Brian and I were hanging out and we called Brandon to see where exactly the concert was and get some details. Well, Brandon informs us that the show is sold out but they are going to let 50 more people in because the place can hold 200 people. So if we wanted to get a ticket to get there before the doors opened and we could get one or we could go to the Monday night show that they had. Brian and I decided that we wanted to go to the Sunday night show since we had class and planned on being there are like 5 so we could be sure to get tickets.

Saturday night came and we were trying to figure out details and it was getting all confused and difficult to plan. We had almost decided not to go, but there was something in me that was saying we really needed to go. So we got the details worked out and planned on going still.

Sunday came and we went to church then our separate ways for a little while until he came to get me at 3. On our way over there Brian and I were just talking about different things and how we wished that some of his friends would have come with us because we both knew that they needed it. We found the place just fine and decided to go get something to eat before hand so we wouldn't be so late getting home after stopping.

We had a little issue after we returned because the security guy said no tickets were going to be sold until everyone who had a ticket got in. So he wanted us to stand in a line in the rain waiting until 6 o'clock. And let me add he wasn't a nice person. Brian pulled his truck up near the line so that we could stay in it for a while and then hop in line later. After a little bit more and more people started showing up so we got out and stood in line. While we were standing there a gentleman came up to me and asked if I had a ticket. I told him that I didn't and then he handed me a ticket and said Happy Birthday. I was very tickled by this! There were several people who were selling tickets to others but by the time they got to us they didn't have any. (Why they didn't start at the beginning of the line beats me) A little bit later a young guy who looked to be a youth minister came up to Brian and asked if he had a ticket. Brian replied with a no and the guy handed him a ticket also. So Brian and I got in for FREE!!!! We were very excited about it!

The concert was absolutely AMAZING! Seventh Day Slumber is one of my new favorite bands! The lead singer shared a lot of stuff that hit Brian and I hard. He also shared about Compassion International which is like World Vision where I sponsor a child, Nina. I had been telling Brian for a while about the joy that you get out of sponsoring a child from another country and knowing you are making a difference in their lives. So Sunday night Brian decided that he wanted to sponsor a child from Haiti through Compassion. It's only $38 a month and 81% of that goes straight to the child and their family and then 19% goes to Compassion so they can stay up and running. I was so excited that he did this!

God was moving in that place Sunday night and he is still moving with Brian and I. We are going through some "changes" in our relationship for the better and it's going to help us focus on God more like it's supposed to be. I can't wait to see what path God leads us down.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Why I love this week

I'm so excited about this week and what all it holds.....

*I started off my week (sunday night) going to a Christian heavy metal concert- Cord of 3 and Seventh Day Slumber. (More about this in a blog soon)

*Classes start this week and I only have classes on Tuesday and Thrusdays

* Dgroup and BCM 180 starts back this week! I have missed everyone bunches

* Friday Night is Triple date night

* I have a job interview

Friday, January 22, 2010


It's the Friday before classes start back for the Spring Semester. As I look out the window in my office I see students moving back into the dorms and campus coming back to life after 6 weeks off. It makes me think about the changes in my life and how this semester is going to be different for me.

At the end of last semester I decided to go part time for the Spring semester, try to find a new job, and save money so that I can move out. In the past few days I have really been thinking about all of this. Going part time is going to set me back some but I can take some summer courses and get back to where I need to be. Since I haven't found a new 2nd job yet I'm going to have some free time on my hands to find this job. Yes I know it's probably a bad time to find a job with the economy like it is but I know that it will happen when its supposed to. If I can't find anything by the time Chaney's opens back up in March I guess I'll just stay there for a while. It isn't my ideal thing to do but it will have to work. So if anyone knows of someone looking for a nanny a few days of the week and some nights please let me know. This is what I want to get into since I am going to be an elementary teacher.

Friday, January 15, 2010


As I start to write this blog I am listening to the radio and Jeremy Camp's "There Will Be A Day" started playing. Just listening to the words makes me think so much about what that day will be like when we do meet God face to face. Its going to be a wonderful day! And it also makes me think about what I was setting out to do when writing this blog entry.

Hearing about the massive earthquake that hit Haiti has been thinking a whole lot. When I first heard about it and saw pictures my heart broke. My heart broke for the people of Haiti, for those kids who have lost their families, for the parents who have lost their children, for the ones who still have their families but have lost everything else, for the ones who are still waiting and hoping and praying that they find their family members, and for the ones here in the US that have family members over there and haven't heard from them. Growing up I have heard about this kind of thing happening and felt bad for them but I have not felt this bad for a country before. It tears me up to see the pictures and hear stories.

I was laying in bed one night this week and saw some pictures of just different scenes from there and I just lost it and started crying my eyes out! I want to help those people so bad but know that I can't physically help them right now. I want to do something for them so bad and so I just started praying and praying for God to protect the people of Haiti. I know that I can't do anything physical like go over there right now but I can pray, send donations through World Vision and give things that they need. I'm planning on doing all of these things. For some reason my heart is just drawn to this country and the people of it.

With all of this going on with the country of Haiti it has me thinking a lot about Nina the girl I'm sponsoring through World Vision. I think about how I haven't kept in contact with her as much as I wanted to and how I wish that I could send/ do more for her and her family. The day I was thinking about all of this I got a card in the mail about becoming an World Vision Ambassador and spreading the word about World Vision. I sent it back to them saying that I wanted more information about it. Once I get it I'm going to look things over and pray about it and see if that's something God wants me to do. I have gotten so much joy out of sponsoring her this past year and I want others to feel that same joy.

I still have a place in my heart for Haiti and want to do something for them. I don't know what just yet but I will continue to pray about it and see where God leads me.