Monday, August 10, 2009

World Vision

In February I went to a Santus Real and Matthew West concert here in BG. They were talking and promoting World Vision. This is where you adopt a child from another country and for $35 a month you supply them with the needs that they have. Most of the children you can adopt/sponsor are in countries where AIDS/HIV is growing at rapid speed.

While I was at the concert I was feeling like I needed to sponsor a child but didn't know how I was going to do it so I just pushed that feeling aside. They kept on talking about it all night long and I just kinda ignored them. In the days after the concert I started seeing ads on facebook and other random places for World Vision. Then one night when I was still dating Tyler he brought it up and both of us confessed that we felt the need to adopt/sponsor a child from World Vision. So the next day I got on and found the girl I was meant to sponsor.

Her name is Nina Donate Oneva she is from Mozambique and just turned 11. She lives in a small village with her parents, 2 brothers and 3 sisters. With their schooling and little money over there she is only in the 2nd grade. But this is what made me know I was supposed to be her sponsor... she wants to be a teacher!

I have received two letters from her and they are amazing to read! Since our languages are different it is interesting to see how she tries to say things in English. Nina will write me a letter in Portuguese and then a translator will write it in English. When you receive a letter from your sponsored child, they send you the child's handwritten letter along with the translated letter. I love seeing Nina's writing to me. It just makes me feel so good! Also in the letters the children can draw you a picture. I'm realizing that Nina likes to draw houses. In both of the letters she has written me there has been a drawing of a house. Its so cute!

I can't wait to watch her grow and learn so much more about her. I would love to one day meet her but I don't know if that would ever happen. There is just so much joy out of knowing that you are helping someone in another country live and have water and what they need to survive.

So if you want to help out a child and have that joy that I have then go to and check it out. As I said its only $35 a month. For me its not shopping at my favorite stores as much, or going to starbucks a lot. Just think about it....

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