Friday, August 14, 2009

An answer to prayers

God is so AWESOME and AMAZING!!!!!

Okay so here is why we serve an awesome and amazing God.....

If you have read any of my previous post then you know that I'm working with a group called The BoneValley Project to bring in 3 bands (know 4 bands) to Franklin to do a heavy metal christian concert. In the past week we have gone on a HUGE I mean HUGE emotional/spiritual roller coaster. We lost 2 places that we were going to have the concert at and we also lost one of our big supporters. Then just this week we thought that out leadership in the church didn't support us or wanted us to do this. We thought that we would be "black listed" for doing this event and trying to reach these teens this way. Well after church on Wednesday Miguel and Wendi Woo went to talk with our pastor and things were a HUGE misunderstanding!!! THE LEADERSHIP DOES SUPPORT US!!! They can't do anything because they have "used up their cards and don't have an ace to play" but they think what we are doing is great and a great way to reach these kids.

Yesterday Wendi Woo was calling some people on her way to work and accidentally called a guy who we have been trying to get a hold of for days. (He wants to remain anonymous so I will just call him CL) CL picks up and Wendi starts talking and he was like "Hold on a second, who is this?" She then asked if it was Mickey. He replied with "No it's CL." She felt really stupid for calling but it turned out to be a great thing that she accidentally called him because they set up a meeting for that night to talk about everything.

So as of last night after a 5 hour meeting CL and some of his friends are going to be sponsoring the Franklin Fall Metalfest!! Everything is going to be paid for and taken care of!! All we have to do is keep praying and do the little things. I cried my eyes out last night because I couldn't believe that this was really going to be happening. So many people had been telling us that it just wasn't the time for it. But its always the time to reach the ones who are lost!

We came to a conclusion last night that after everything we have gone through that it was God testing us to see just how far we would go and how much we care about these kids who are lost. We were willing to go ahead and do this event without our leadership liking it, we were going to do this event no matter how much they didn't like it. Through all of this my relationship with God has strengthened and so has my faith and trust in him. I know that when we turn everything over to him that if it is in His Will then it will happen. And if it isn't in His Will then it won't and that we have to accept it. For some unknown reason those people and places that we thought should be involved with this God didn't think so.

Please continue to be in prayer for us as we are about 6 weeks from this happening. Even though we have past all of the test and trail right now that isn't to say that more won't come. Satan doesn't like it that we are coming into "his place" and reaching these kids so we know he will try to throw more things at us. But with God's help we can take it!!

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