Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Things I have discovered....

So I have decided to blog about new things I discover. It might be new products, new music/groups, or just whatever comes to my mind.........

This week it is hardcore christian music, which is one of my favorite things in the world!! I have discovered several new groups/musicians after going to Ichthus.


These guys are amazing! They have an alternative christian music sound but really good. The group is made up of Michael (bass), Austin (guitar and singer), JoJo (drums, yes a girl drummer who rocks!), and TJ (lead singer and guitar). When you see these guys play a show you can tell that they aren't doing it for the fame, they are doing it for the glory of God. It is amazing to see! They are amazing people also. We were able to talk with them at their table in the merch tent and Wendi and Bre' Bre' got to interview them for youtube. It was pretty cool! We went to go see them because we liked their name but now we LOVE their music.


Okay so I know what you are thinking..... are these people freaks? They have a women with a drama mask on and a person with a pig mask. Well I thought the same thing until I heard them and their story. They touched not only me and the group I was with but a lot more people at Ichthus!

Their story: Mr. T and Veronica meet a month after T became a christian and then 3 months later they were married. T had never had access to the internet so he didn't know what bad things were out there. Well he got addicted to porn, drinking, drugs and a lot more. And since Veronica thought it was her fault he was doing all of this she became bulimic. Then one night after T had been at the computer, Veronica confronted him about it and told him that she knew everything that had been going on. So they decided right then and their to change things and stay together instead of getting a divorce. One night T started having these dreams of a band that would later turn into Whitecollar Sideshow. The band is his struggle with life. Veronica wears a "faceless women" mask because that's what all of those girls were to him, the drummer wears a pig mask because he considered himself a pig for looking at those women and being involved with all of that. There is no singing during their show just drums, random instruments T plays, and guitar that Veronica plays. They are amazing people who have sold everything and live in their RV traveling around trying to help teens with their addictions.

So I didn't think that I liked screamo type of music until I heard This Fires Embrace. They are screamo but not over the top. It is the type where you can understand what they are saying. Their lyrics are so true and real. Just like the other two bands they play for the glory of God not for the fame. You can tell this about them also. Don't be scared by their hardcore looks, they are all really sweet and awesome guys! They played 3 times while at Ichthus and we saw them all there times. Hehe :) If you ever need some music to just jam out to and want something different then TFE is the band for you.

1 comment:

  1. so Reading this post explained a lot to me, since i was kind of cluess about all the bands ya'll have been talking about. at least now i know what's going on. lol
