I recently blogged on being sick but for those who didn't read it, I had a sinus infection that brought me down for a couple days but then got better thanks to some medicine! Homecoming on the hill was so much fun!! This year's theme was "Roll out the Red" I had planned on going out and helping decorate the BCM float but due to sickness I wasn't able to but the float looked great! This year BCM, CFS, and CCC joined together and it was great! Friday night before homecoming we had Big Red's Roar which was a blast. It was basically this huge pep rally but a ton of fun!
Saturday, homecoming day was so much fun! That morning I went shopping with some lovely ladies for clothes for the hoedown. We went to Goodwill and had a blast! I actually found some cute stuff not for the hoedown....super pumped about that! After that lovely adventure we went tailgating with the BCM and that was a blast. We ate, talked, danced, talked more, danced more and just had a wonderful time fellowshipping! Then to the game where everyone knew that we would lose. In the beginning it looked like we might actually win but then it came to the last quarter and we screwed up like normal and lost 40-20.
Saturday night was the night that I had been lookig forward to for a while. It was the annual BCM hoedown! I love line dancing so this was right up my ally. We weren't able to have it out at Chaney's lik previous years but it was still fun up in Garrett. The group had decorated the ballroom really nice and it felt like a hoedown. (Not really sure how a hoedown is suppost to feel but it felt like one) That weekend was so much fun and I haven't had that much fun in a long time!!
This past week wasn't as crazy as the week before but it still was busy. Worked A LOT, had class/homework, and Nana had surgery on Thursday. She is fine now but still really sore from the surgery. I'm not for sure what she had done but it wasn't anything really serious.
This upcoming week is going to be another crazy one. My aunt bev is having her gallbladder taken out on Wednesday so mom is getting the kids on Tuesday for them to stay until Friday. I really excited about them coming up for a while!
The one thing that I'm really really excited for is Thanksgiving! Its one of my favorite times of the year. I love it because everyone in the family gets together and we have a ton of food! Its a sad time because its the anniversary of Pop's death but its also a celebration because we all know that we will see him again in Heaven.

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