Being away from everything while I was in Gatlinburg really gave me sometime to think about things that are going on in my life.....
Here is what all is going on in my mind......
* I'm going to be quitting my job at Chaney's after we close for 2 months. I feel that I have been there long enough and its time for me to move on.
* Where am I going to get a job at? Do I want to work full time?
* Should I take the spring semester off or take night classes?
* What's going on with me and this guy? Should I wait to see what's going to happen between the time he leaves for basic training, the time he gets back, and the possibility of him moving?
* Is a major in Education really for me?
* Do I need a new car or should I get my own apartment?
I just really don't know what to do right now with all of this. There are a lot of things on this list that are more important than others. All I know to do is pray and think hard about all of this.....
Monday, November 30, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Special Time with the Family
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays that we celebrate in my family. My mom's side of the family always gets together and has a big feast! This year we rented a cabin in Gatlinburg for 5 days. It has been perfect! The cabin is amazing, the weather is perfect, and getting to spend time with my family has been great!
The cabin that we have rented sleeps 14 people so it is perfect for our large family. We have laughed, played games, ate, laughed some more, and just had a great time being with each other. I think this year has been one of the best Thanksgivings in a while.
Yesterday was the Iron Bowl, Alabama vs Auburn football game. Everyone in my family is Alabama fans which is just great! We moved the couches around to have it like theater sitting. The game was really intense but a great game! Alabama won 26-21 in the last few minutes. When Bama scored the touchdown and then blocked the pass when Auburn was trying to score we went crazy!!! I'm sure that all of our neighbors around us could hear us scream but we didn't care.
Its been a great and relaxing Thanksgiving that I wouldn't trade for anything.....Now I'm not wanting to go back to classes on Monday.....
The cabin that we have rented sleeps 14 people so it is perfect for our large family. We have laughed, played games, ate, laughed some more, and just had a great time being with each other. I think this year has been one of the best Thanksgivings in a while.
Yesterday was the Iron Bowl, Alabama vs Auburn football game. Everyone in my family is Alabama fans which is just great! We moved the couches around to have it like theater sitting. The game was really intense but a great game! Alabama won 26-21 in the last few minutes. When Bama scored the touchdown and then blocked the pass when Auburn was trying to score we went crazy!!! I'm sure that all of our neighbors around us could hear us scream but we didn't care.
Its been a great and relaxing Thanksgiving that I wouldn't trade for anything.....Now I'm not wanting to go back to classes on Monday.....
Thursday, November 19, 2009
Respectful or Disrespectful?
Normally I don't really pay attention to what is going on around me while I'm walking to class. I'm either walking with friends and talking, listening to music, or going over note cards on my way to a test.
Yesterday I was on my way to Women's Choir with Laurabeth and when we walked out the door we heard bagpipes being played. At first her and I didn't think much of it because it is International Education Week or something like that so we thought someone was just outside of the library playing the bagpipes. As we walked out the door we saw about 30ish guys walking behind the bagpipe player all dressed in suits. Some of them were carrying a casket with their fraternity flag draped over it, one was in front of the bagpipe player carrying a picture, and the rest were behind the casket walking. Laurabeth and I looked at each other and stop to show respecting thinking someone in their fraternity had passed away recently. I started thinking and I hadn't heard anything about a fraternity guy passing away, so we were really confused.
As we were standing there a professor walked out and said "Are they doing that again?" I looked at the professor and asked "Are they doing what again?" The professor proceeded to tell us that every year the SAE fraternity walks around campus with a guy playing bagpipes and they pledges carrying the casket to show "respect" of the death of their founder. I was floored by this!! I couldn't believe that they were doing this.
After dating someone who was in a fraternity at a different school I understand that their founder is a big deal to them but why does it have to be a big deal to everyone on campus? Did their founder go to WKU? Was he that important? What good did he go on to do in the world?
I feel that because President Ransdell is a memeber of the SAE fraternity then they can get away with this! It isn't right or even respectful in my eyes. I understand wanting to remember someone on the anniversary of their death but you don't have to make a show of it. Some of the guys who were just walking behind the casket were laughing at the students who thought that it was someone who really had passed away. Recently there have been many deaths of students who were enrolled at WKU and the SAE fraternity going and doing this was a poor decision on their part. I didn't know any of the students who have recently passed away but a week from yesterday will be the 4 year anniversary of my grandfather passing away. So seeing that brought up all of those emotions of missing him and the week that I was in Alabama before he passed away.
I just don't understand why they did this or why WKU allows them to do this. Someone told me that they do it every year. What do you think?
Yesterday I was on my way to Women's Choir with Laurabeth and when we walked out the door we heard bagpipes being played. At first her and I didn't think much of it because it is International Education Week or something like that so we thought someone was just outside of the library playing the bagpipes. As we walked out the door we saw about 30ish guys walking behind the bagpipe player all dressed in suits. Some of them were carrying a casket with their fraternity flag draped over it, one was in front of the bagpipe player carrying a picture, and the rest were behind the casket walking. Laurabeth and I looked at each other and stop to show respecting thinking someone in their fraternity had passed away recently. I started thinking and I hadn't heard anything about a fraternity guy passing away, so we were really confused.
As we were standing there a professor walked out and said "Are they doing that again?" I looked at the professor and asked "Are they doing what again?" The professor proceeded to tell us that every year the SAE fraternity walks around campus with a guy playing bagpipes and they pledges carrying the casket to show "respect" of the death of their founder. I was floored by this!! I couldn't believe that they were doing this.
After dating someone who was in a fraternity at a different school I understand that their founder is a big deal to them but why does it have to be a big deal to everyone on campus? Did their founder go to WKU? Was he that important? What good did he go on to do in the world?
I feel that because President Ransdell is a memeber of the SAE fraternity then they can get away with this! It isn't right or even respectful in my eyes. I understand wanting to remember someone on the anniversary of their death but you don't have to make a show of it. Some of the guys who were just walking behind the casket were laughing at the students who thought that it was someone who really had passed away. Recently there have been many deaths of students who were enrolled at WKU and the SAE fraternity going and doing this was a poor decision on their part. I didn't know any of the students who have recently passed away but a week from yesterday will be the 4 year anniversary of my grandfather passing away. So seeing that brought up all of those emotions of missing him and the week that I was in Alabama before he passed away.
I just don't understand why they did this or why WKU allows them to do this. Someone told me that they do it every year. What do you think?
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Every person is a new door to a different world
Recently I have been thinking a lot about the different people I have come in contact with in my 3 years at WKU. Some of those people I have gotten really close with while others I have just become semi-friends with. And then there are those that I have grown up with that just like everyone have changed over the years.....
I feel very blessed to be friends with several amazing young Godly women. It seems like just when you are down and out about something God places some amazing people in your life. This semester it seems that I have gained so many girlfriends who have blessed me in ways that they will never know. I have gained the friendship of several girls in the education department who have helped me through tough times and who I will always be friends with.
One friendship that is dear to my heart and that's being friends with Jennifer. We became friends in the spring but didn't really talk all that much. We would see each other in Sunday School and speak but nothing major. One day though we just started talking and talking and talked for the longest time. Jennifer stayed here in BG this summer to work and this was just amazing! We had the time to hang out and not worry about school work or anything since it was summer. Jennifer was accepted into the Semester at Sea program for the fall semester and is on a ship sailing around the world, visiting different countries, learning about their cultures, and having the time of her life. I'm so thankful to the internet because we are able to stay in touch through emails while she is gone. Its an amazing thing! Even though we haven't seen each other since August we have still remained close friends. I can't wait for her to return so we can hangout, talk about things, go to church together, have fun girl nights, and just be college students.
In my post of wordless wednesday I posted pictures of most of the lovely ladies that have come into my life this year. As I said I feel so blessed to have them in my life during this time. Just like always God knew just what I needed in my life to get me through these hard times. I love all of these girls to death and know that we truly will be friends forever.
I feel very blessed to be friends with several amazing young Godly women. It seems like just when you are down and out about something God places some amazing people in your life. This semester it seems that I have gained so many girlfriends who have blessed me in ways that they will never know. I have gained the friendship of several girls in the education department who have helped me through tough times and who I will always be friends with.
One friendship that is dear to my heart and that's being friends with Jennifer. We became friends in the spring but didn't really talk all that much. We would see each other in Sunday School and speak but nothing major. One day though we just started talking and talking and talked for the longest time. Jennifer stayed here in BG this summer to work and this was just amazing! We had the time to hang out and not worry about school work or anything since it was summer. Jennifer was accepted into the Semester at Sea program for the fall semester and is on a ship sailing around the world, visiting different countries, learning about their cultures, and having the time of her life. I'm so thankful to the internet because we are able to stay in touch through emails while she is gone. Its an amazing thing! Even though we haven't seen each other since August we have still remained close friends. I can't wait for her to return so we can hangout, talk about things, go to church together, have fun girl nights, and just be college students.
In my post of wordless wednesday I posted pictures of most of the lovely ladies that have come into my life this year. As I said I feel so blessed to have them in my life during this time. Just like always God knew just what I needed in my life to get me through these hard times. I love all of these girls to death and know that we truly will be friends forever.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Its just the start of the crazyness!!!
So I have been a bad blogger but lately my life has been so crazy!!! I have been sick, had homecoming at WKU which was so much fun, my grandmother had suregery, and I have been working nonstop and doing homework all the time!!
I recently blogged on being sick but for those who didn't read it, I had a sinus infection that brought me down for a couple days but then got better thanks to some medicine! Homecoming on the hill was so much fun!! This year's theme was "Roll out the Red" I had planned on going out and helping decorate the BCM float but due to sickness I wasn't able to but the float looked great! This year BCM, CFS, and CCC joined together and it was great! Friday night before homecoming we had Big Red's Roar which was a blast. It was basically this huge pep rally but a ton of fun!
Saturday, homecoming day was so much fun! That morning I went shopping with some lovely ladies for clothes for the hoedown. We went to Goodwill and had a blast! I actually found some cute stuff not for the hoedown....super pumped about that! After that lovely adventure we went tailgating with the BCM and that was a blast. We ate, talked, danced, talked more, danced more and just had a wonderful time fellowshipping! Then to the game where everyone knew that we would lose. In the beginning it looked like we might actually win but then it came to the last quarter and we screwed up like normal and lost 40-20.
Saturday night was the night that I had been lookig forward to for a while. It was the annual BCM hoedown! I love line dancing so this was right up my ally. We weren't able to have it out at Chaney's lik previous years but it was still fun up in Garrett. The group had decorated the ballroom really nice and it felt like a hoedown. (Not really sure how a hoedown is suppost to feel but it felt like one) That weekend was so much fun and I haven't had that much fun in a long time!!
This past week wasn't as crazy as the week before but it still was busy. Worked A LOT, had class/homework, and Nana had surgery on Thursday. She is fine now but still really sore from the surgery. I'm not for sure what she had done but it wasn't anything really serious.
This upcoming week is going to be another crazy one. My aunt bev is having her gallbladder taken out on Wednesday so mom is getting the kids on Tuesday for them to stay until Friday. I really excited about them coming up for a while!
The one thing that I'm really really excited for is Thanksgiving! Its one of my favorite times of the year. I love it because everyone in the family gets together and we have a ton of food! Its a sad time because its the anniversary of Pop's death but its also a celebration because we all know that we will see him again in Heaven.
I recently blogged on being sick but for those who didn't read it, I had a sinus infection that brought me down for a couple days but then got better thanks to some medicine! Homecoming on the hill was so much fun!! This year's theme was "Roll out the Red" I had planned on going out and helping decorate the BCM float but due to sickness I wasn't able to but the float looked great! This year BCM, CFS, and CCC joined together and it was great! Friday night before homecoming we had Big Red's Roar which was a blast. It was basically this huge pep rally but a ton of fun!
Saturday, homecoming day was so much fun! That morning I went shopping with some lovely ladies for clothes for the hoedown. We went to Goodwill and had a blast! I actually found some cute stuff not for the hoedown....super pumped about that! After that lovely adventure we went tailgating with the BCM and that was a blast. We ate, talked, danced, talked more, danced more and just had a wonderful time fellowshipping! Then to the game where everyone knew that we would lose. In the beginning it looked like we might actually win but then it came to the last quarter and we screwed up like normal and lost 40-20.
Saturday night was the night that I had been lookig forward to for a while. It was the annual BCM hoedown! I love line dancing so this was right up my ally. We weren't able to have it out at Chaney's lik previous years but it was still fun up in Garrett. The group had decorated the ballroom really nice and it felt like a hoedown. (Not really sure how a hoedown is suppost to feel but it felt like one) That weekend was so much fun and I haven't had that much fun in a long time!!
This past week wasn't as crazy as the week before but it still was busy. Worked A LOT, had class/homework, and Nana had surgery on Thursday. She is fine now but still really sore from the surgery. I'm not for sure what she had done but it wasn't anything really serious.
This upcoming week is going to be another crazy one. My aunt bev is having her gallbladder taken out on Wednesday so mom is getting the kids on Tuesday for them to stay until Friday. I really excited about them coming up for a while!
The one thing that I'm really really excited for is Thanksgiving! Its one of my favorite times of the year. I love it because everyone in the family gets together and we have a ton of food! Its a sad time because its the anniversary of Pop's death but its also a celebration because we all know that we will see him again in Heaven.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
So for the past 3 days I have been sick and it stinks!!! Do you remember when you were a little kid and you got excited about staying home from school? You got to do whatever you want, watch cartoons all day long, and really didn't have anything to worry about. Well those days of being a kid and being sick are long gone! Now a days you have professors who could care less if you are sick and want you to come to class and not miss even though they have been told to cut the students a little slack since we are in the time of H1N1. But do I have professors like that? Nope! They want me to come to class sick and get not only them but the rest of the class sick. How crazy!
Sorry had to have a little rant and rave blog :)
Sorry had to have a little rant and rave blog :)

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