Tuesday, September 1, 2009


Okie doke so here is what has been going on in my life for the past few days....

Last week my best friend in the whole wide world moved back down for classes!! I'm super pumped that she is back in town. We would see each other like everyday during the semester so needless to say I missed her a ton this summer! So on Wednesday we went to Opry Mills to go shopping and it was so much fun!! We needed to get away really bad and just spend some time together. We were able to talk and laugh and just be us like old times.

Yesterday was the first day of classes and so far I'm going to love this semester! I feel really good about it and am going to try my hardest to a lot better than I have in previous semesters. I have women's choir with LB and that is going to be so much fun! But something happened that I was dreading....when I was walking out of choir and going to math I hear a deep voice say "Hey there stranger!" I look up and its TYLER!!! My stomach got knots in it and it felt like my heart was in my throat....... We were walking the same way so we had a little small talk about classes, like, summer, etc. but it was so weird. It was like nothing had ever happened between us. When we went our separate ways he kinda hesitated like he wanted to hug me or something. There was no way that I was going to hug him, okay so yes I would have but it wouldn't have been good. My emotions were already starting to go a little wack just being near him. So I text mom and told her that I saw him. She gave me some good advice "Sweetie its not you who changed, it was him. He saw you looking really cute today and having a good time cutting up with LB. He saw the girl who he feel in love with for the first time since yall broke up so he is going to have some thinking to do. He probably realizes now that he missed out on a great girl." My mom saying this to me made me feel so much better! Yes I knew all of this already but having someone tell me made things better.

I'm going to BCM worship tonight where I will see him but it will be okay... I'm not going there to see him. I'm going to praise our amazing God and learn. Yes it will be hard but I know I will be okay. I just have to keep on telling myself that God has my husband out there and that when its time we will meet and I can't wait for that day :)

Work has been crazy this last week and I have and will be working so much! It literally is going to drive me up the wall!! But I can't complain to much because it is money :)

For the first time in my life I am extremely happy! I know what I am doing with my life, I can see God's picture for me and it just makes me feel good. The outreach concert is getting a little hairy but it will all work out the way that God wants it too. We are about $900 short of our budget.... We are just praying and know that God has this and everything will work out. I'm so excited about it and can't believe that it is 5 weeks away! I love being apart of The Bonevalley Project.....

1 comment:

  1. Well Sarah I havent talked to you in forever like since Washington DC in the marching band forever! :( It sounds like you are doing such wonderful things in life and I know how hard it is to be patient and let God work out in your life with who you need to be with. I know it is tough but you seem like you are liking the single life. Well I hope you have a great Friday and feel free to read my blog and comment too!
