Tuesday, December 15, 2009

On the Monday before Thanksgiving I was driving to class and heard on The Beaver that if you were the 7th caller when they played Chris Young's "Gettin' You Home" then you would win tickets to see him a couple of weeks later. I have never been the kind of person who has won something off the radio. I would call and call but wouldn't be the correct caller. So this particular day I was feeling lucky so I called in when I heard the song. I tried 3 times and all 3 times it was busy so I tried for a 4th time thinking maybe just maybe I will win. It started ringing and my heart started beating really fast and then Scooter Davis picked up the phone. Here is our converstation:

SD: "Good Morning the beaver"
Me: "Good Morning"
SD: "Nah nah nah you are the 7th caller!"
Me: "OH MY GOODNESS!!! *screams*"
SD: "I guess you are excited?"
Me: "Oh you have no idea how excited I am about this. I saw him this summer and loved him! Are you serious that I won?"
SD: "Yeah darlin' we are. What's your name?"

I told them my name and give them my information so that I could pick up the tickets. Right after I won I called Sharayha and told her that I had won tickets and that she was going with me and of course she was just as pumped about it as I was.

Friday night came and I was so excited! Not only did I win tickets but Brandon from work also won some so we had a group of us going together. It was going to be a much needed night of fun before a crazy week of finals, work and traveling. We stood outside in the cold for over an hour waiting to get inside.

Once we got inside it was time for the party to start. We were able to get on the floor right infront of the stage.

Here are some pictures from the concert. They speak for themselves

Easy Street

Josh Thompson

Chris Young and his bass player Shane

This was my favorite part of the night......

I got to get my picture made with Chris, got his autograph, and talk football with him. Yes I know that he is just a person like everyone else but there is just something about him that I got so excited about. See he is a huge Texas fan and me being the big Alabama fan I am I thought I could have some fun with this. We made a little small talk and then here is how the rest of our conversation went:

Me: So I have a question for ya Chris.
CY: Alright darlin' what is it?
Me: Alabama or Texas? Whose gonna win it?
CY: *gets down and looks me straight in the eyes* Hook 'em horns! What do you think?
Me: Roll Tide all the way!
CY: Oh no you didn't!
*His band mate whispers in my ear- You don't know what you have just done. Just start crying and he will feel bad and stop tearing you apart*
Me: Oh he won't tear me apart. I can hold my own with him

CY: So what happened to Ingram? He has is worst game ever against Auburn and he is still up for the Heisman?
Me: He did have a bad game but did you see that he got hurt and didn't play over half the game? He ain't the only player on the team. We got Cody, McElroy, Jones, etc. But tell me something, what happened to your boy McCoy in the Nebraska game? He was on the ground because he got sacked more than he was actually playing and he is still up for the Heisman?
CY: Dang darlin' you can hold your own and you do know football *big smile*
Me: I told you I did. I'm not just some girl who thinks she knows football, I do know it *big smile*

He then went on to sign Brandon and Sharayha's things and take pictures with both of them. Then he looked at me and said something smart and I just looked at him with this puppy dog look. It made him feel bad and he gave me the biggest hug in the world!

As we were leaving he yells "HOOK 'EM HORNS!" Of course I couldn't be out done so I yelled "ROLL TIDE ROLL BABY!" This went on for a few more times and then he yells "Hope to see you at another show soon darlin'"

I was so excited about this that I couldn't calm down for like an hour. It was the best night I had had in a long time. I will never ever forget this night.

This is a song that Chris wrote with Craig Morgan's drummer. It is the sweetest thing in the world and I'm in love with it. (sorry for the screaming fans...not much i could do about them)

1 comment:

  1. so you basically flirted with a famous country music star? am i getting this right?
