Trent is 4 years younger than I am and we haven't always gotten along. You know those annoying little brothers you see on TV shows that but the big sister all the time? Well that's Trent for ya, but I wouldn't trade him for anything.
Since Trent has gotten into high school (he is a junior now) he has really grown up and found who he is. He plays lacrosse for Greenwood, is a boy scout working on his Eagle Scout and a lifeguard during the summer time. I love my brother to death and I'm very proud of him for everything he is accomplishing. I would have to say that I have the best brother in the world!
Trent and I don't talk a whole lot but when he does come to me for help or does want to talk I cherish those times. He knows that I'm always here for him no matter what kind of trouble he might get into, how much he wants to vent about something, or if he needs help with girls.
The reason that I'm most proud of him is because he as stepped up and become a leader on the lacrosse team and he is going for his Eagle Scout Honor. Trent is taking both of this very random things very serious. He will come home from practice and stay outside and practice for another 2 hours. He is very dedicated to winning and also to getting a lacrosse scholarship to somewhere big. But his Eagle Scout project is what gets me the most.
After the passing of our grandfather, Pop, I didn't realize how much it affected Trent. I remember seeing this 12 year old boy standing beside his grandfathers burial plot and laying a Dr. Pepper can inside the plot right before they closed it up and then turning and crying into Dad's chest. That's the first time I realized how much it affected him. When it came time for Trent to pick what his project was going to be, he decided on doing a Memorial Garden in memory of Pop at the local hospice center. He planned it all out himself. He raised money and got donations from friends and family to get a gazebo to place out there, plant flowers that have been donated and then to let people create stones with the name of their family member who has passed away but had help from hospice.
When Trent told me this is what he was doing I couldn't have been any happier for him or more proud of him. He is truly the best brother in the world!!!
That is absolutely amazing, Sarah! I'm sure he's just as proud to have you as his sister! =)