So its finally Friday and oh how happy am I! Today starts my time of fun and I couldn't be anymore happier. After being a little upset that Tyler wasn't going to be coming tonight I decided to make other plans and just have a good time of my own. It was really weird because I was thinking of asking Jennifer to do something tonight but she beat me to it. LOL! Since both of us are poor we decided on ice cream and a moovie at Chaney's. Yeah I have been there basically everyday this week but oh well its okay. After working there for 2 years I have never gone to an ice cream and a moovie so why not go tonight. Jennifer is so much fun and I'm so thankful that she has come to WKU and found Woodburn! Its great.
Now tomorrow is the day that I have been looking forward to now for 3 weeks! TYLER IS COMING DOWN TO VISIT!!! I have never been so excited to see someone in my life. This last week has been kinda hard on us so its going to be great to see him and just to be able to be with him. He is going to be in BG around noon and leave Sunday night when I have to go to my meeting at Chaney's. So over 24 hours I will be with him. I wish it was more but I understand and have just accepted the fact that right now it just can't be. I feel like a little giddy school girl and I know I will be that way when I see him. Its gonna be one of those scenes from a movie, like you know when the couple is running to each other and the girl jumps into the guys arms..... 

Sometime though in all of this time spending with Tyler I have to get my stuff together for ICHTHUS..... Oh man when am I going to get to do this? Oh well I'm not gonna worry about it, I'll get it together when I get it together. You see I'm trying this new thing that Tyler in way but didn't really know it challenged me to. I'm not gonna let worry control my life. I worry about a lot of things and some of them I don't need to. Tyler calls it "having a lack of faith". So I have decided that I'm going to stop worrying about the small things in life and start from there.
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