So what has been going on in my life you ask? Well.....
1. I'm working about 30+ hrs a week at Old Navy and LOVING it! I have been doing some different things and a lot of behind the sceens things.
2. Matt and I are still dating and things are going wonderful! I see God working in his life every single day and that to me is amazing. Our relationship with each other is already stronger and so is our relationship with God.
3. I have been taking cake decorating class at Hobby Lobby and loving that! There are 3 classes and I will be starting the 2nd one tonight.
4. Since I don't plan on going back to school right now I have decided to take a leap of faith and follow a dream of mine. I have started my own business. Its called Sweet Treatz.

Right now I'm taking orders online through my facebook page I created for it. I have the opprotunity to have an order from my high school band which I'm so excited about!!
But right now that's all that is really going on with me. Life is wonderful and I couldn't ask for more.